Café of Delight

Conversations that enlighten and inspire!

We are living one of most exciting times in human evolution.

Through a series of riveting interviews, you will be taken on an amazing journey of inspiration, hope and, of course, delight. You will have the opportunity to hear from those who are actively working at the edge of both personal and global transformation.

From cutting edge science, to spirituality, culture, arts and more, Café of Delights will give you the keys to live in joyous delight and create a collaborative and generous world where all can thrive. You will be glad you stopped by the Café.

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Cancer as a Turning Point: From Surviving to Thriving in Difficult Times with Brigitte Cutshall

Cancer as a Turning Point: From Surviving to Thriving in Difficult Times with Brigitte Cutshall

Brigitte knows what it means to go from a survivor to a thriver. Between beating cancer twice with an intentional approach to health, she found out she had a rare brain tumor. She is now a recognized expert in health and wellness, as well as an author who focuses and speaks on taking control of your health before it controls you. She is also a Solutions Consultant, Founder of Gemini Media and podcast host of Real Things Living.

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The Magic of Color with Patsy Sanders

The Magic of Color with Patsy Sanders

Color has a resonance that we often unconsciously respond to.  For example, blue represents healing, tranquility and trust for many cultures. That is why the American Express card is blue.

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Dreaming a New World: Transforming the Death Economy to a Life Economy with John Perkins

Dreaming a New World: Transforming the Death Economy to a Life Economy with John Perkins

John Perkins is a former chief economist who advised the World Bank, the United Nations, Fortune 500 corporations, and governments around the world. Now as a sought-after speaker and author of 11 books that have been on the New York Times bestseller list for more than 70 weeks, sold over 2 million copies, and are translated into more than 35 languages, he exposes the world of international intrigue and corruption and the EHM strategy that creates global empires

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