The Magic of Color with Patsy Sanders

Jul 25, 2023 | Cafe of Delights with Gale West

Listen here on Thursday!

As an artist, I am very aware of the power of color to provoke a feeling or mood or even transform a city. One amazing example is Tirana, Albania. It was a downtrodden, crime ridden city of stark grey buildings, left over from its communist era. The new mayor, an artist before he became a politician, decided to lift the spirits of the town by painting a building bright orange. Then more buildings got painted bright colors. As the city transformed,  the people transform. It changed from a place you would not want to visit, to a tourist destination. You can read about it here.

If painted buildings can transform a city, how much more so can the colors we wear can affect how we feel about ourselves and how others feel about us. And,                               s whether they actually really see us. I remember a zoom news program I was watching where the woman who was speaking had really red lipstick. Because it didn’t blend in with the rest of her, all I could see was moving red lips.

Color has a resonance that we often unconsciously respond to.  For example, blue represents healing, tranquility and trust for many cultures. That is why the American Express card is blue.

We also have a resonance that is unique to us. What you wear reveals a lot about you, and it can either draw people in or push them away. Your unique being is aligned with an element, air, fire, water or earth, with a unique personality and color associated with that element.

When we wear colors that resonate with our essence there is a powerful inner alignment. That powerful inner alignment can almost feel magical, because when we are aligned with our essence there is a deep sense of confidence and connection that radiates out into the world.

Patsy Sanders, International Image Stylist coach & Master Hairstylist and Speaker, is known as the total transformation specialist. Her clients' images reveal who they truly are from head to toe and from the inside out by teaching the unknown secrets of how to align with their essence.

How you feel in your clothes is as important as how you look in your clothes! What you wear affects your income, whether you get that job/client, how easily you connect with others, your ability to attract an ideal partner, and even how you perceive yourself.

Living in her element as a Fire has equally transformed her experience of showing up authentically in the world. She confidently walks through life graciously accepting compliments no matter what she is wearing. Patsy is on a mission to help other women discover the joy of living in harmony with their true authenticity by finding their own unique style through the element typing system!


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