New Pressures, New Possibilities For Men and the World They Live In with Ed Frauenheim

New Pressures, New Possibilities For Men and the World They Live In with Ed Frauenheim

Men today face new pressures at work. The long-overdue reckoning over sexism, racism and other forms of bias in recent years has heightened scrutiny on men, to the point many can feel blamed and shamed simply by being male. These recent pressures build on long-standing stresses on men, including expectations to be successful, stoic, and “self-made.” Among the impacts of all the pressures are mental health challenges–which continue to carry a stigma for many men. 

A World Beyond Patriarchy with Dr. Richard Schwartz

A World Beyond Patriarchy with Dr. Richard Schwartz

Join us Thursday, October 26th here! I am so excited to have my friend and mentor, Dick Schwartz PhD, creator of the Internal Family Systems (IFS) method, on Reality Reimagined. Together we explored societal legacy burdens, in particular, male domination, and its...

Creativity: A Pathway to Transformation with Robert Dvořák

Creativity: A Pathway to Transformation with Robert Dvořák

Join us Thursday here! I had the pleasure of taking a watercolor class at the coast with Robert Dvořák last month. I was struck by his simple passion for every one of us to create something beautiful in our own unique way. It didn’t matter how frustrated we got at...

The World Is as You Dream It with John Perkins

The World Is as You Dream It with John Perkins

I met John Perkins in Ecuador on journey, with the Pachamama Alliance, into the jungles to meet with the Achuar, a dreaming tribe. They wake up each morning way before dawn to drink tea, purge and tell their dreams to each other. The messages from their dreams informs them of the actions to take that day.

PRESS RELEASE: Embark on a Transformative Financial Journey with Gale West's New Book “Money, Come Dance With Me”

PRESS RELEASE: Embark on a Transformative Financial Journey with Gale West's New Book “Money, Come Dance With Me”

Renowned financial therapist and spiritual guide Gale West announces the release of her groundbreaking new book, “Money, Come Dance With Me,” a unique exploration into transforming one's financial life through spiritual and practical steps. Through a compelling blend of personal anecdotes, insightful teachings, and practical exercises, West invites readers to redefine their relationship with money, transforming it from a source of anxiety and limitation to joy, abundance, and empowerment.


Create a new relationship with money as your friend. Fill out the form below to get Healing Money Meditation.