Navigating Our Changing Times with Rev. Dr. Megan Wagner, PhD

Navigating Our Changing Times with Rev. Dr. Megan Wagner, PhD

Listen here November 9th Is the world going to hell in a hand basket or are we in the midst of a global paradigm shift? There have been many prophesies regarding the times we are living it. According to the Mayan calendar we are in a new era. Astrologically, we have...

Be the Change: Being an Instrument of Peace with Mandar Apte

Be the Change: Being an Instrument of Peace with Mandar Apte

At a time, when violence has escalated everywhere, inaction is no longer an option.

We can no longer remain bystanders. It is imperative that each one of us gets actively involved towards creating safe and inclusive societies for our children and the future generations.

Cancer as a Turning Point: From Surviving to Thriving in Difficult Times with Brigitte Cutshall

Cancer as a Turning Point: From Surviving to Thriving in Difficult Times with Brigitte Cutshall

Brigitte knows what it means to go from a survivor to a thriver. Between beating cancer twice with an intentional approach to health, she found out she had a rare brain tumor. She is now a recognized expert in health and wellness, as well as an author who focuses and speaks on taking control of your health before it controls you. She is also a Solutions Consultant, Founder of Gemini Media and podcast host of Real Things Living.

Money can save the world: Interacting with Gale West

Money can save the world: Interacting with Gale West

My encounter with Gale West came as a surprise. I had been engaging with Rick Kahler and as a result of that encounter, I was curious to know what else was happening of this kind of work to do with IFS and money. Gale’s name came up. Gale is, in fact, a founding...

Hawaiian Wisdom for Healing and True Alignment with Joan Reid

Hawaiian Wisdom for Healing and True Alignment with Joan Reid

Listen here Thursday, September 28th What is Hawaiian Wisdom? How is it relevant to our lives? Besides numerous other healing modalities, Joan Reid has studied with Hawaiian shamans for over 20 years. In this interview she shares her own journey of healing and how the...

That Wellness Podcast with Natalie Deering

That Wellness Podcast with Natalie Deering

Recently I was interviewed on That Wellness Podcast with Natalie Deering: Internal Family Systems with a Twist. Please enjoy the Podcast "Money Come Dance with Me: Connecting to the Consciousness of Money" Here  

Knowing Gale West: Coach, Author, Podcaster

Listen to the podcast Who we know with Patrick Aziz, as I talk about my book, Money, Come Dance with Me, my podcasting, and my thoughts on life and living.  Listen to  Knowing Gale West


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