In-vision: What do you really want?

Jan 9, 2024 | Cafe of Delights with Gale West, Success With Soul

Listen Thursday 10am PT

In my experience every year, in the first two weeks of January the gym is filled with people vying for the workout machines. It’s frustrating. But, I know that by February it’ll be back to business as usual.

Why do 92% of all new year’s resolutions fail? Most of us create goals that are not necessarily what we want, but what we think we should want. We should be more motivated, thinner, more successful, more, more, more….

But, what if trying to be more is a never ending strategy that only leads to needing to be more of something? The consistent outside messages of who we should be only leads to frustration and stress.

What if looking outside was not the key? What if the keys to the kingdom of fulfillment and enough were available if you just knew how to access them? Desire is not a bad thing. It guides us to walk the path we came to walk. Creating a life worth living starts with listening to the still inner voice, taking action, and opening your receiving channels receive all the good that life has to offer. You are already enough. What do you really want? What do you desire?

In this episode of the Café we will explore the cycle of creation. Look at the barriers to creating and give you techniques to support you to truly thrive and create a life that makes your heart sing.

Join us at the Café of Delights.


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