Money, Dance with Me

Money, Dance with Me

Please enjoy my recent interview on You Should Write A Book About That®: Money, Dance with Me! After completing her first draft, Gale took a four-year journey seeking to understand WHY she was writing this book about money and the planet. But ultimately she needed to...
Grand Disruption

Grand Disruption

It’s been almost four months since my stroke. Some say it’s a detour, others an initiation. Whatever it is, it’s a grand disruption. What I thought was going to be a sprint, in my recovery, has turned into marathon. As I go to all my various therapies, I ache to be...
A Stroke of Delight

A Stroke of Delight

A little more than five weeks ago I found myself on the floor. I didn’t how I got there. I couldn’t understand why I couldn’t get up. I kept trying but somehow my leg wouldn’t work. Then I touched my arm. It felt dead and cold. I couldn’t speak. I was in the midst of...
We are living in a pivotal moment in history.

We are living in a pivotal moment in history.

I was looking at the 2020 message for humanity from the Akashic Records. It began with “The theme of 2020 is coherence and incoherence. This is a pivotal year for humanity as a whole and individuals making choices about connection to a greater whole and a spectrum of...
The Real Meaning of Wealth

The Real Meaning of Wealth

A few days ago, I was working on a chapter in my book called the dimensions of wealth. It explores all the different aspects of a joyously wealthy life, beyond just money. For example, one dimension I explore is relationship wealth–a life that is wealthy with...