by successadmin | Nov 13, 2020 | Success With Soul
Please enjoy my recent interview on You Should Write A Book About That®: Money, Dance with Me! After completing her first draft, Gale took a four-year journey seeking to understand WHY she was writing this book about money and the planet. But ultimately she needed to...
by successadmin | Sep 17, 2020 | Success With Soul
It’s been almost four months since my stroke. Some say it’s a detour, others an initiation. Whatever it is, it’s a grand disruption. What I thought was going to be a sprint, in my recovery, has turned into marathon. As I go to all my various therapies, I ache to be...
by successadmin | Jun 25, 2020 | Success With Soul
A little more than five weeks ago I found myself on the floor. I didn’t how I got there. I couldn’t understand why I couldn’t get up. I kept trying but somehow my leg wouldn’t work. Then I touched my arm. It felt dead and cold. I couldn’t speak. I was in the midst of...
by successadmin | Mar 19, 2020 | history
I was looking at the 2020 message for humanity from the Akashic Records. It began with “The theme of 2020 is coherence and incoherence. This is a pivotal year for humanity as a whole and individuals making choices about connection to a greater whole and a spectrum of...
by successadmin | Jun 14, 2019 | Money Mastery
A few days ago, I was working on a chapter in my book called the dimensions of wealth. It explores all the different aspects of a joyously wealthy life, beyond just money. For example, one dimension I explore is relationship wealth–a life that is wealthy with...