Loving the Earth and Its Creation with Mare Cromwell

Aug 6, 2024 | Reality Reimagined

Listen to us Live Thursday

Our connection to the earth and nature, as a living being worthy of protection and love, is more important than ever before. While this has been the way of indigenous people for generations, it is something that we in the west have sadly lost. As fires rage and violent weather becomes more common, how do we come back to the ancient wisdom that our fast paced world of technology has replaced?

Mare Cromwell is a nature mystic. She has been communicating with what she calls, Mother Gaia, for a number of years. It is a deep connection that is beyond words, one of mutual love and caring. Love for all creation. As we begin to feel into the love that nature has for us, the earth, the trees, those beings who are beyond what we see, we can reconnect to something greater than we can ever image. It can feed our souls, our hearts and our bodies.

The time is urgent. The time is now. Join us.

Mare Cromwell is the Founder and Director of the Great Mother Love Way. She has surrendered to serve the Great Mother to support the birthing of the New Earth emerging now. She is an internationally-known Gaia Mystic & High Priestess, Visionary, Author and Healer. Some might call her a Medicine Woman. Her close rapport with Mother Gaia has been recognized by a number of prominent Indigenous Elders, including one Hawaiian Elder who informed her that her work is in the Native prophecies.

Mare’s award-winning books include two channeled ones with Mother Gaia: “The Great Mother Bible”; “Messages from Mother…. Earth Mother”. Her first book is: “If I gave you God’s phone number…. Searching for Spirituality in America”. She has studied with Native American elders for 26 years along with other gifted spiritual teachers, and is the visionary behind the 1000 Goddesses Gathering Global Grid and the Apology Ceremonies to the Original Peoples & their Ancestors – Global Grid (March, 2023).

She leads “The Great Mother Love Way” year-long course and also offers webinars and workshops on New Earth Gardening, Nature Spirits, Womb Wisdom and more. Her long-distance healing practice is based out of western North Carolina. Learn more at https://www.greatmotherlove.earth 


Profile- https://www.transformationtalkradio.com/guest/mare-cromwell,9319.html

Episode- https://www.transformationtalkradio.com/episode/loving-the-earth-and-its-creation-with-mare-cromwell,36673.html


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