A Critical Choice Point: What Will Be Decided? with Mark Hurwich

Jul 23, 2024 | Reality Reimagined

Join us Thursday for this live episode!

The United States is a major player in the world in numerous ways. We export our culture, our political climate, our economy and much more. The influence we have is enormous.

When the news that the current president of the United States bowed out of the race, many people I know felt that a portal had opened to something new. Except with the exception of Obama, every U.S. president has been a white man, most of them white men of privilege. It is interesting to consider how the effects of that have radiated throughout the world.

In my communications, when money said to me, “The old matrix of humanity is domination and greed, and I have been aligned with that. The new matrix of humanity is collaboration and generosity, I want to be aligned with that, can you please help?” I first cried, then it dawned on me that there is a new matrix of humanity and it is inevitable. The question is when? How?

Years ago, I read a book called “Change.” The premise is that change happens whether we want it to or not. We can either change voluntarily or involuntarily. According to the book, involuntarily pretty much sucks.

So where are we in the change? Will the new matrix happen to us or with us? What will we, who live in the U.S., choose as country? Will the change be involuntary or voluntary? Will we have to go through four or more years of the true breaking down of old paradigms through death and destruction? Or can it be easy? Do we actually have a choice? What is ours to do?

I believe everyone here at this time in history is here for a reason. What is yours? How will you play your part?

Together with my husband, Mark Hurwich, fellow coach and artist, I will be opening the Akashic Records to give you insight and wisdom to guide you through these amazingly interesting, and powerful times we are living in.


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