How is Your Life Rich?

Apr 11, 2019 | Success With Soul

I don’t know about you, but It’s amazing how often as healers and coaches we forget to follow our own advice.

Gratitude is something I’ve practiced for years. After we’ve turned off the lights for the night, my partner and I typically ask each other, “What are you grateful for?” It’s been lovely way to end the day but, can be a little mechanical.

Recently, I've realized that there’s another, even more powerful practice, I’ve often recommended, that I hadn’t been doing myself.

A few weeks ago, I was working with a client who kept saying to me, “I don’t have any money.” Which, honestly, wasn’t true.

Being stuck in lack and fear, she couldn’t see the many ways her life was really wealthy. It’s true that money wasn’t flowing the way she wanted to. The reason was because the places in her life that needed to shift, were shifting big time.

Her money guide kept telling her to be patient.  Money wanted to flow to her in ways that were more in alignment with her path and purpose and needed an energetic space to make that happen.

I said to her, “First off, be careful of your words. We don’t realize the power of our words, especially when you say them out loud. You actually do have money. Why would you curse yourself by saying you don’t?

Secondly, I invite you to reconnect to the wealth that is already in your life. If you do, you will be able to anchor into the vibration of true wealth, which money loves to dance in.

Your only homework is, at the end of each day, affirm and acknowledge at least three ways your life was rich that day.”

That night, I decided to follow my own advice. Instead of “What am I grateful for?” I asked myself, “How was my life rich today?”

Pondering the question required me to think of the qualities that I'd experienced that fed my soul and felt lusciously rich. I’d had a long meditation in the morning, went for a walk along the lake front, heard the symphony, and in the evening saw an amazing musical. (It was a Sunday.)

In the darkness and comfort of my bed, I celebrated that my life was rich with culture, beauty, nature, connection to my soul, the excellence of musicians and singers, and a feeling of joy. While the gratitude practice has been powerful, acknowledging the wealth of each day has been profound.

As I’ve continued to ponder how my life was rich at the end of the day, it’s reconnected me to the amazing amount of wealth that I am gifted with daily; which has further opened my wealth receiving channels, and helped me to reconnect to the care and nourishment of my soul.

I know, it’s easy to get stuck on what’s not working in life. Instead, take a minute to relish in the wealth you already have, recognize how far you’ve come, the tremendous experiences you’ve been a part of and allow that feeling of genuine prosperity to radiate out from your being. You’ll thank me later. 😉

How was your life rich today?

Blessings and much love,


Want 2019 be your best year yet? I have a few openings for individual coaching. Whether it is a single breakthrough session, a half or whole day jump start, or longer, I would love to support you. Just hit reply to this email. We can set up a time to chat to see if working together is in alignment with your highest and best.


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